This blog site is for information purposes. It will help you decide what and how you want to focus your thoughts on pertaining to entrepreneurship and other aspects of your life. Some will be uplifting, others will give you direction. Hope you enjoy it.
Does your job (boss) pay you a salary PLUS give you extra to pay your
household bills. Does he/she offer to pay your cell phone bill,
cable/satellite bill, your energy bill and your internet bill on top of
your salary? Will he give you a $1,000 every time you bring in 3 new
people in one week? And will he give you a $750 victory bonus every
month you qualify with $2,500 customer volume?
Maybe it's time
you thought about getting job security for yourself rather than for your
boss! Do you really want to work 40 or 50 years just so you can
collect that measly social security check and maybe that pension that
will only just get you by?
We are looking for serious partners
who want to elevate their standing in life. Why work for someone else
to make them wealthy when you can work for yourself and become wealthy
for YOU! and your family.
Vitel is a fast growing direct
marketing sales company with thousands of partners each helping the
other to become wealthy. We are only 2 years old and we provide
products and services that people use every day. Services like Verizon,
Sprint, T-Mobile, Cricket, Page Plus, Boost Mobile and more. Cable and
satellite services, cell phones and cell phone plans. We offer total
family protection services like legal counsel, tax consultation, road
side assistance, 24-hour on call medical advise, entertainment discount
tickets, shopping discount outlets, identity theft protection and so
much more in one all-inclusive package.
Want more proof? Just
go to YouTube and type in Vitel and Vitel Wireless and view the
countless testimonials and trainings on Vitel. These are real people
doing a real business right from home.
You can do this part
time or full time. But let me caution you! This is NOT a get rich
quick scheme. AND it is NOT one of those falsely advertised businesses
that make you think you are going to just get in and let someone else do
all the work while you sit back and collect that big fat check! NO you
will have to put in time and effort to succeed. You will need to be
teachable and trainable. You will need to learn how to duplicate what
your partners are doing if you want to succeed.
You cannot be
over-qualified or under-qualified. All you need is a willingness to
succeed in life and a desire to change your circumstances.
"Of all the
entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is
direct selling, also called network marketing." - Paul Zane Pilzer, Nobel
Prize Winning Economist and Author
Your boss does
not want you reading this.
The truth is, if
you truly took this message to heart, you could fire your boss. Not
immediately, but it would happen.
Like most people
you probably expect to retire one day, maybe in a few years, maybe in a few
decades, but you hope to be able to one day have the retirement income coming
in reliably every month as you finally relax and enjoy it.
But something is
very wrong with this picture. You'll be elderly by then! You'll have the free
time, but who wants free time when they're 65?
What your boss
doesn't want you to know is that your financial freedom is less than 5 years
away. You can make it without a boss. It's more fun too. The traditional plan
for an employee is to work for 40+ years, giving away most of their life to
completing someone else's tasks, then relaxing when you're too old to live the
life you dreamed of.
For Network
Marketers the plan looks a little different. Set up a business in your spare
time that will pay you even when you stop working... then stop working!
Just imagine...
where would you be now if you had read this message 5 years ago?
A network
marketing business gives you the freedom most people never even glimpse. As
your business grows (and you're helped every step of the way by other people
just like you) your income increases. This is income on top of your regular job
income, because you don't have to quit your job to do this. Most network
marketers won't quit their jobs until their business-income overtakes their
job-income. Then they fire their boss, walk out, and never look back.
If it takes you 5
years - heck, even 10 years - to eliminate the need for a job, what would you
do with your time? Most people would travel more, get serious about their
hobbies, volunteer their time to the charities they're passionate about, learn
new skills, visit friends and family...
And yet these
same people, with their same wishes, spend their time working for a boss,
worrying if they'll get fired, arriving home late, then flopping down in front
of the TV in sheer exhaustion.
Be different.
Make your plan. It's 5 years away.
Visit my website to find out how you can become financially free in 5 years or less. Click here
I am a big dreamer. All of my life, I've believed that I could do
whatever I chose to do. But it seemed like the circumstances
surrounding my life deterred my dreams from becoming reality.
high school my dream was to become a lawyer. I knew it would take hard
work and dedication for me to succeed. I excelled in my grades and
planned for my college. But at 17, I met and fell in love with the man I
am married to today (46 years at this writing). He swept me off my
feet and my dreams flew out the window. I like to blame it on my
dysfunctional family upbringing because I wanted out from that way of
life so bad.
As I look back on it, I used that excuse
to not follow through, so I lost my belief and dream. I had children
right away and focused on raising them and helping my husband with the
management of our business. You see, I also excelled in business
management during my high school years with a minor in accounting
So who do I have to blame - ME!!
the years I have succeeded but have never been able to go over the
top. My dreams are still there. My goals are still there. But the
success of reaching the top has eluded me. So I ask myself, "What am I
doing wrong that keeps me from achieving my dreams?" I've tried for
years and years to figure it out. I've done what "They've" told me to
do; read positive books and listen to motivational videos and tapes. Be
around positive people and be positive myself. Check my attitude.
Help others to achieve their goals. Duplicate the system, etc., etc.,
Yet, it still eludes me.
So what am I doing wrong!
first thing you need to tell yourself is to keep going, keep trying and
keep believing. I found out that many a great achiever has gone
through failure after failure before reaching the success ladder. Many
fail trying one thing after another, but eventually hit on the right
formula. This is what will happen as long as you DON"T QUIT! Never
give up!
To hear my story listen to this video I posted on YouTube: Click here
though I have certain disabilities that would hold some people back, I
choose not to allow it to hold me back. I still dream BIG! And I will
If you are interested in finding out more about how I am achieving my dreams right now, just go to my website at: Money Forever Home
training, support and family atmosphere is next to none. We have all
kinds of directives that help us to reach our dreams. This is "THE
MAGIC OF BELIEVING". Unless we help others to achieve their dreams,
then we cannot reach our dreams.
Do You Have What It Takes To Become A Millionaire?
Quantum Prosperity:
A quantum jump is a sudden and spectacular advance. It is a major breakthrough. Many people are looking for a giant leap into the realm of prosperity. They sometimes are not satisfied with just small bits and pieces of prosperity coming their way.
There is nothing wrong with having financial abundance. There is nothing wrong with money itself. It is a means to living in this society for all the goods and services that are needed or wanted.
Quantum prosperity requires a big change in your thought processes, a leap in your conscience that produces a totally different result.
People who get into trouble financially usually worry, become fearful and get depressed. This seems to be a normal reaction to a common occurrence within our society today. It is this mental depression that holds them in bondage. A famous quote says, "You are what you think!" If you are worried, depressed, fearful in your mind, then you show it and live it in you life. People see it and the results are just as you think them to be.
If you want to have a Millionaire Mindset, then you must think like a millionaire. So how do you do that?
The first step is to make God the center of everything you say, think,
feel, and do. This action will not only give your mind an upward and
forward look but it will raise your mental level. As you do this, invite
all that God is to move into your whole being and out into your life
and affairs. God, in His infinite Wisdom, knows how to prosper you and
it is His pleasure to do so. – Adapted from: You, Too, Can Be Prosperous – Robert A. Russell
We need to speak and think prosperity affirmations daily. Write them down and say them out load at least 3 times per day. Hang them where you can see them daily such as on your refrigerator or your office wall. This process helps our mind to develop into a millionaire mindset. The next thing you know is you are speaking these affirmations to people around you. Your vibrant energy is conducive to drawing others who think or do the same thing as you.
Listen and mediate on positive energy cd's or tapes. YouTube is an excellent place to get meditational energy by listening to them.
Here is what happened to me just this past week. I met with a friend who needed my help in how to publish a book. I gave him the information he needed. He in turn gave me $100 as a love gift just for this information. The next Sunday as I was leaving church, a lady came to me and drew me aside. She said that the Lord had spoken to her to bless me and she wrote a check out for $50. These were 2 unexpected gifts of money and they were welcomed and needed. It may not seem like much, but when you apply the principles of prosperity and the law of attraction through meditation and positive energy, you will see results.
Today as I was going to a tax office for some advice, a person whom I had parked next to saw my business sign on the side of my car. She asked what it was all about. I told her and invited her to a local home meeting where she could meet the RVP who would be conducting the business meeting tonight. I asked her if she would like to attend and she agreed quickly. Now, I will be positively thinking that she will become one of my business partners. You see, I had been meditating on bringing someone to the meeting for tonight and viola - there she was. It wasn't just coincidence - it was my God-like conscience that drew her to me.
Here are some prosperity affirmations that you can use every day:
I Attract Mega Wealth To Myself. Financial Independence. I Am Wealthy I See My Self Abundantly Prosperous. I Have The Midas Touch. Millionaire Mindset. I Will To Myself A Continuous Flow Of Money. My Supply Is Over Flowing. Avalanche Of Prosperity Flowing To Me In Right And Perfect Ways. Gold Dust Is All Around Me. Wealth Consciousness. Easily Effortlessly And Naturally. Abundance Is Mine By Divine Right. Attracting Wealth Is Easy For Me. I Am A Open Channel For Great Wealth.
Here are some SEED Money Testimonies:
Seed Money brings more than tenfold! - I have been
taken to breakfast six times this week, was given a theatre ticket, and I
received a check for $791.00. This was in addition to a $200.00 check I
had received earlier in the month. My earnings for the past month have
been super! These are all significant and yet they are far more than ten
times the money I planted as seed. When I give tips, or give money for
whatever purpose, person or need and stake my claim for tenfold return,
it comes to me multiplied! Money has become my friend. Here is my
grateful tithe! – L. P., California
Bills paid because of Seed Money Practice! - Thank
you for the great article on Seed Money! I have started to have an
overflowing abundance of good things in my life. I am receiving my
tenfold return. I’ve been planting money daily and it is amazing how
more money has been coming to me. I was always behind in my bills but
now I am caught up and even paying some bills ahead of time! Thanks
again. Seed Money opened my eyes! – R. G., California
Vitel has just launched the $35 Unlimited Talk Text & Web Service for your GMS phones with sim cards. That's right, get unlimited service with Vitel through T-Mobile.
The $35 is basic service which most people use today. However, you can get 3G and 4G service for only $40 or $50 monthly. It depends on the way you use your cell phone.
Here's how it works. You need an unlocked GMS cell phone. Don't have one? We can sell you one in our web store. All you have to do is to call our corporate office using the promo code I will provide and they will set it all up for you.
BUT, we have an even better deal. How about getting your serviceFREE? That's right, I said FREE!
If you join our company today as a Diamond for just $69.95 (normally $99.95), you will receive your $35 Unlimited Talk, Text & Web service for FREE! If you want or need the 3G or 4G service, then all you have to do is pay the difference between the $35 service and either the $40 or $50 service; which ever one you choose.
BUT it doesn't stop there. If you get 3 people to sign up for this service in one week, you will earn $150 in fast start bonuses. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more. Just go to this link to see for yourself:
As you can see from the video, there are any number of ways to get started on a life changing career. You can do this part-time while still working your 9 - 5 job until you have built it up enough to work strictly from home and never have to come under the "company rules and regulations". You are completely free of that bondage. This company is making it possible for people to become full time in as little as 5 - 6 months. It all depends on how hard you want to work and how determined you are to get out of your present situation. Commitment, attitude and determination are the qualities it takes to succeed.
Vitel has a very strong leadership, team work environment, support and excellent training for all who join. There are online webinars, conference calls, video presentations and so much more.
So check us out today, get your $35 Unlimited Talk, Text & Web service (for FREE when you join) and change your life forever.
To order just call: (877) 355-8880 Must use promo code: 642782
Here is a video presentation that can help you understand how Vitel works in comparison to other wireless services. There is no bashing of other companies, just an honest comparison for people to make the best decision in who to go with.
Vitel launched nationwide in 2010. The last couple of years has seen profound growth, struggles and growing pains. What company doesn't if it is going to succeed. It is based out of Houston, TX. The founders have over 55 years of combined business experience. It is solid based and is positioned in multiple industries that people use and need every day.
There are two major aspects to the business; CUSTOMERS and BUSINESS PARTNERS.
Each area is solid and encompasses it's own learning curve. Today, I want to focus on "The Freedom Club Challenge".
Take a look at the image above. This is how it works. When you get and maintain $300 in customer volume, you will be eligible to get your choice of one household bill paid or your membership fee. The bills that Vitel will pay are cell phone, internet, cable/satellite, energy or membership. Each time you gain another $300 in volume will earn you another bill to be paid by Vitel. Vitel will reimburse your actual bill amount up to the maximum amount allowed.
Now look at this next image:
After you have conquered the first five volume requirements and are getting your household bills paid now you are qualified to earn the Victory Bonus of $750 every month. You are now saving $15,300 year by getting $1275 month. Do the math $1275 X 12 = $15,300! That is HUGE!!
Now many companies that people get involved with will give you a car bonus. And that's the only thing you can get. Now look at this scenario: Suppose you made it in your company to qualify for the car bonus. You go to the car dealer, set down and fill out the papers. Then they say they have to do a credit check to qualify you. OOPS! You know your credit isn't very good and WHAMOOO - they turn you down. Wait a minute. You thought your company was going to get you the car - Nope - They only send you to the dealership. They'll make the payment if you can get the car.
Well, with Vitel, you can use the $750 any way you want. Maybe you want to make your house payment or pay other bills. AND if you are still working at your job (not ready to quit yet and go full time with Vitel), you now have all that money freed up that you would have had to pay from your paycheck!
That's what Vitel can do for you when you join.
And this is only the beginning. My next post will tell you how you can make money real fast with Vitel. But if you want the information sooner, just:
I started out a few years back thinking what I could do to overcome my disabilities that now keep me from gainful employment. The computer had come into existence and technology is increasing rapidly. Since I am near retirement age I have not had the schooling that many of the younger generation has had. I grew up counting beads on a slide bar to learn math.
My first encounter with personal computers was when I worked in a bank back in the late 80's. So I've had a lot of catching up to do. I'm a great grandmother now but I still long to achieve my dream of becoming a millionaire.
My husband and I have worked hard all our lives while bringing up three children. It was labor intensive work and we were self employed. I did the business management as well as contributed to the businesses themselves. However, it never did afford us anything more than a satisfactory living without the means to save any money or have any insurance for our family.
I became disabled and had to go on disability when I turned 60. Now social security disability doesn't cover a whole lot. My husband, now retired doesn't receive much in social security and still has to go out and work in order to make ends meet.
When I discovered computers and the internet, I was determined to find a way to earn money from home. The first thing I found was a course on how to blog and let myself be known. Voila!! This blog page.
I searched and I searched for the perfect internet marketing business. I found many -- some good and some not so good. I let my blog sort of go cold and haven't posted anything to it since January 2012. However, when I came back to take a look, I couldn't believe that it had over 8,900+ views. It was still working through Google and wherever else in SEO engines. (Personally, I don't even know).
I got encouraged by a new FaceBook friend to renew my commitment to continue blogging. As a result, this is my first post in over a year. But I'm back and I do hope you enjoy this post and others that I will be writing.
You see, during all that time of searching for the PERFECT network marketing business, I have finally found the ultimate one. Now I'm not going to go into it in this post, but the next one will be all about Vitel Wireless.