I am a big dreamer. All of my life, I've believed that I could do whatever I chose to do. But it seemed like the circumstances surrounding my life deterred my dreams from becoming reality.
In high school my dream was to become a lawyer. I knew it would take hard work and dedication for me to succeed. I excelled in my grades and planned for my college. But at 17, I met and fell in love with the man I am married to today (46 years at this writing). He swept me off my feet and my dreams flew out the window. I like to blame it on my dysfunctional family upbringing because I wanted out from that way of life so bad.
As I look back on it, I used that excuse to not follow through, so I lost my belief and dream. I had children right away and focused on raising them and helping my husband with the management of our business. You see, I also excelled in business management during my high school years with a minor in accounting practices.
So who do I have to blame - ME!!
Over the years I have succeeded but have never been able to go over the top. My dreams are still there. My goals are still there. But the success of reaching the top has eluded me. So I ask myself, "What am I doing wrong that keeps me from achieving my dreams?" I've tried for years and years to figure it out. I've done what "They've" told me to do; read positive books and listen to motivational videos and tapes. Be around positive people and be positive myself. Check my attitude. Help others to achieve their goals. Duplicate the system, etc., etc., etc.
Yet, it still eludes me.
So what am I doing wrong!
The first thing you need to tell yourself is to keep going, keep trying and keep believing. I found out that many a great achiever has gone through failure after failure before reaching the success ladder. Many fail trying one thing after another, but eventually hit on the right formula. This is what will happen as long as you DON"T QUIT! Never give up!
To hear my story listen to this video I posted on YouTube: Click here
Even though I have certain disabilities that would hold some people back, I choose not to allow it to hold me back. I still dream BIG! And I will WIN BIG!
If you are interested in finding out more about how I am achieving my dreams right now, just go to my website at: Money Forever Home
The training, support and family atmosphere is next to none. We have all kinds of directives that help us to reach our dreams. This is "THE MAGIC OF BELIEVING". Unless we help others to achieve their dreams, then we cannot reach our dreams.
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