You work hard to get visitors to your web site.
And for good reason. Visitors are the lifeblood of your business. No visitors means no sales. Everyone knows that.
So we work on things like:
Writing and Submitting Articles
Press Releases
Classified Advertising
Building backlinks
Creating a blog
Emailing our friends
Social Networking Sites:
* Twitter
* Facebook
* Myspace
* Digg
Participating in Discussion Forums
Buying Banner Ads
Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
Search Engine Optimization
And more ....
And then visitors come.
Don't get too excited. Most visitors don't buy the first time they visit a web site. They are looking for information, comparing prices, checking for credibility, looking for testimonials, etc...
So how do you get those visitors to come back?
Add an autoresponder subscription form to your web site. Some people refer to these forms as lead capture forms. The purpose is simple: To capture your visitors' information so you can follow up with them.
Why is this important?
Remember that visitors hardly ever (almost never) purchase when they first visit a web site. Research suggests that prospects need to be exposed to your offer an average of 7 times before they will make a decision to purchase from you.
This is why it is critical that you add lead capture forms to your web site so that you can gather information from your visitors.
This is where your email marketing begins. You can now follow up with those prospects over and over again, providing valuable and relevant information that helps you:
1) Build credibility.
2) Increase exposure.
3) Generate repeat visitors.
4) Close more sales.
The big question is usually:
How Do I Get Them To Fill Out The Form?
It can be as simple as adding a line above the form that says:
Join Our Mailing List and Receive Important Updates
or you could use a bribe. Yep ... free information is still something people will usually give you a name and email address for if it is information they are interested in receiving.
In my case, as I am presenting information on AutoResponders to my visitors, my lead capture form says:
Free Report: How To Boost Sales With AutoResponders.
And every day, people fill out that form.
They found my site online either on an ad somewhere, a banner they clicked on, a search engine result they liked, an article they read, etc... I do a lot of advertising (most of it absolutely free). And when people come to my site, I know they are interested in how autoresponders can help them boost their sales.
So I offer them a free report on how autoresponders can help them do just that.
When they request my information, they get informative tips and suggestions on how they can use autoresponders and email marketing. I give a few specific steps, show them how they might create their own follow-up messages, give some of my own insights, share a few testimonials, etc...
And each letter closes by presenting them with my offer: A Free 30 Day Trial of the AutoResponder system.
Does it work?
Every single day.
Every single day, I get more subscribers (people requesting my information).
And every single day, I get more customers (people that decide to try my AutoResponder system).
If you're not adding autoresponder subscription forms (lead capture forms) to your own web sites and blogs, you are missing out on a LOT of potential sales!
Brian Rooney
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