Build Your Empire in 5 Hours a Week
Staying on the theme of time management and knowing it’s relevant because I’ve heard it over and over from clients all week and knowing that many of us are busier than we want to be or feel we can sometimes manage….
You’ve heard the expression you teach what you need to learn?
Well, did I ever find myself doing that this past month. I’m personally coaching 11 people in our Power Prospectors course and I needed to get everyone scheduled and organized and into my calendar around the rest of my business activities (I’m still a writer for hire and have a number of business clients I write for with deadlines and a whole other calendar) and the rest of my life.
I didn’t do the best job – at first. I know there are people reading this who are likely chuckling right now. Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night panicked because I realized I had double booked people and had probably booked some people during a prior commitment.
I felt completely unglued and overwhelmed. The next morning I went back to our Calendar Training. I worked with a coach throughout 2010 to grow my business and we spent A LOT of time on time management. I needed to see where I had fallen down and what I needed to do to put it back together.
Are You Distracted?
I think part of what plagues us with time management is that we have a lot to do and so much vying for our attention and we’re flat-out distracted. Turns out we spend more time thinking about some things than they actually take to do. Sound familiar?
It takes some time to get your ‘time together’ but is it SO worth it. First, in order to properly manage your time, you need to know what you’ve got to do and how long it takes to do each thing. Sounds simple, but you have to track ALL your activities for a week or so. The good news is you’ll find that you actually have to time do everything. That means you can spend less time obsessing about what you’re not doing, or should be doing and then feeling disorganized and wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare about time, like I did – literally.
5 Hours to Build an Empire
For example, we know that the money in network marketing comes from team building. Granted, some comes from product sales, but to take advantage of the leverage MLM offers, team building is the answer. To build a team, you have to share information about your business with other people. It’s the KEY activity that makes you money and builds solid income over time.
How long does it take to contact people and share your business concept with them? Done correctly, it should take about 5-6 minutes per initial phone call. So, that means you can probably make about 6-8 of those in an hour if you factor in taking notes, sending emails and booking what you’ve said, they’ve said and done the job properly. Let’s say you can make 7 calls in an hour. Then, in 5 hours each week you could introduce 35 new people to your business, or 140 people each month.
And, best of all, if you KNOW that and you commit that time to your business every week, you could build an empire over the course of 2-3 years. Truly. You’d be contacting 1680 people a year. It’s what top earners do.
If you do that for all the activities in your business, then you can set up Store Hours, stick to them, achieve your goals AND feel sane. You can do that and have time ‘booked’ for relaxing and doing the other things that interest you WITHOUT what you’re NOT doing hanging over you, ruining that time and keeping you OUT of the present moment. Make sense? I hope so.
We can coach you personally on how to get this done, be more effective and get real results and you can also refer to our Store Hours Training and our Calendar Training – which was exactly what I did early in the month so I could breath later in the month and feel like I had it handled. And it goes to prove that learning is an ongoing experience……I know how to do it, I just wasn’t practicing what I know and teach. Crazy? Maybe. I think it’s how we humans are wired. Commitment to excellence sometimes means disciplining yourself to do what you know how to do.
Give it some thought and then see if you apply this simple concept to your business if it doesn’t bring you a sense of mental calm and make you more money.
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