Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Web Colleagues Business Partnerships

Web Colleague Membership

Here is what our Web Colleagues get with their membership:

 Get instant access to the program and start your work-at-home typing job today!
 Personalized login on our dedicated servers to the colleagues members' area; here is where you will get everything you need from training, software and jobs to perform.
 Complete step-by-step training and tutorials in great detail for all of our programs, and with the most novice user in mind.
 All of the needed software that is ready to download and use per instructions. We give you over $100 worth of software and tools as part of your membership.
 An updated program daily that assures the most accurate details of the jobs and resources. This is NOT an e-book, self-help program, or mail order CD, etc. Login and get to work with the most advanced updated program.

Web Colleagues spends countless hours removing obstacles and assures no hidden costs. As a colleague of our program we guarantee that no additional or hidden costs will ever occur with our program. You can rest easy to know you will not need to spend money to make money.

As a member you will also get many bonus programs that are given to us by other companies we deal with, such as survey companies, government grant programs, mystery shopper programs, etc. We will have hundreds of dollars worth of free bonuses we pass on to our colleagues as part of your membership.

Get all the support you need from our trained members support team.

Lifetime Membership Setup Fee

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Use AutoResponder Email Marketing To Convert Visitors In To Sales

You work hard to get visitors to your web site.

And for good reason. Visitors are the lifeblood of your business. No visitors means no sales. Everyone knows that.

So we work on things like:

Writing and Submitting Articles
Press Releases
Classified Advertising
Building backlinks
Creating a blog
Emailing our friends
Social Networking Sites:
* Twitter
* Facebook
* Myspace
* Digg
Participating in Discussion Forums
Buying Banner Ads
Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
Search Engine Optimization
And more ....

And then visitors come.

Don't get too excited. Most visitors don't buy the first time they visit a web site. They are looking for information, comparing prices, checking for credibility, looking for testimonials, etc...

So how do you get those visitors to come back?

Add an autoresponder subscription form to your web site. Some people refer to these forms as lead capture forms. The purpose is simple: To capture your visitors' information so you can follow up with them.

Why is this important?

Remember that visitors hardly ever (almost never) purchase when they first visit a web site. Research suggests that prospects need to be exposed to your offer an average of 7 times before they will make a decision to purchase from you.

This is why it is critical that you add lead capture forms to your web site so that you can gather information from your visitors.

This is where your email marketing begins. You can now follow up with those prospects over and over again, providing valuable and relevant information that helps you:

1) Build credibility.
2) Increase exposure.
3) Generate repeat visitors.
4) Close more sales.

The big question is usually:

How Do I Get Them To Fill Out The Form?

It can be as simple as adding a line above the form that says:

Join Our Mailing List and Receive Important Updates

or you could use a bribe. Yep ... free information is still something people will usually give you a name and email address for if it is information they are interested in receiving.

In my case, as I am presenting information on AutoResponders to my visitors, my lead capture form says:

Free Report: How To Boost Sales With AutoResponders.

And every day, people fill out that form.

They found my site online either on an ad somewhere, a banner they clicked on, a search engine result they liked, an article they read, etc... I do a lot of advertising (most of it absolutely free). And when people come to my site, I know they are interested in how autoresponders can help them boost their sales.

So I offer them a free report on how autoresponders can help them do just that.

When they request my information, they get informative tips and suggestions on how they can use autoresponders and email marketing. I give a few specific steps, show them how they might create their own follow-up messages, give some of my own insights, share a few testimonials, etc...

And each letter closes by presenting them with my offer: A Free 30 Day Trial of the AutoResponder system.

Does it work?

Every single day.

Every single day, I get more subscribers (people requesting my information).
And every single day, I get more customers (people that decide to try my AutoResponder system).

If you're not adding autoresponder subscription forms (lead capture forms) to your own web sites and blogs, you are missing out on a LOT of potential sales!

Brian Rooney

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Build Your Empire in 5 Hours a Week

Staying on the theme of time management and knowing it’s relevant because I’ve heard it over and over from clients all week and knowing that many of us are busier than we want to be or feel we can sometimes manage….

You’ve heard the expression you teach what you need to learn?

Well, did I ever find myself doing that this past month. I’m personally coaching 11 people in our Power Prospectors course and I needed to get everyone scheduled and organized and into my calendar around the rest of my business activities (I’m still a writer for hire and have a number of business clients I write for with deadlines and a whole other calendar) and the rest of my life.

I didn’t do the best job – at first. I know there are people reading this who are likely chuckling right now. Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night panicked because I realized I had double booked people and had probably booked some people during a prior commitment.

I felt completely unglued and overwhelmed. The next morning I went back to our Calendar Training. I worked with a coach throughout 2010 to grow my business and we spent A LOT of time on time management. I needed to see where I had fallen down and what I needed to do to put it back together.

Are You Distracted?

I think part of what plagues us with time management is that we have a lot to do and so much vying for our attention and we’re flat-out distracted. Turns out we spend more time thinking about some things than they actually take to do. Sound familiar?

It takes some time to get your ‘time together’ but is it SO worth it. First, in order to properly manage your time, you need to know what you’ve got to do and how long it takes to do each thing. Sounds simple, but you have to track ALL your activities for a week or so. The good news is you’ll find that you actually have to time do everything. That means you can spend less time obsessing about what you’re not doing, or should be doing and then feeling disorganized and wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare about time, like I did – literally.

5 Hours to Build an Empire

For example, we know that the money in network marketing comes from team building. Granted, some comes from product sales, but to take advantage of the leverage MLM offers, team building is the answer. To build a team, you have to share information about your business with other people. It’s the KEY activity that makes you money and builds solid income over time.

How long does it take to contact people and share your business concept with them? Done correctly, it should take about 5-6 minutes per initial phone call. So, that means you can probably make about 6-8 of those in an hour if you factor in taking notes, sending emails and booking what you’ve said, they’ve said and done the job properly. Let’s say you can make 7 calls in an hour. Then, in 5 hours each week you could introduce 35 new people to your business, or 140 people each month.

And, best of all, if you KNOW that and you commit that time to your business every week, you could build an empire over the course of 2-3 years. Truly. You’d be contacting 1680 people a year. It’s what top earners do.

If you do that for all the activities in your business, then you can set up Store Hours, stick to them, achieve your goals AND feel sane. You can do that and have time ‘booked’ for relaxing and doing the other things that interest you WITHOUT what you’re NOT doing hanging over you, ruining that time and keeping you OUT of the present moment. Make sense? I hope so.

We can coach you personally on how to get this done, be more effective and get real results and you can also refer to our Store Hours Training and our Calendar Training – which was exactly what I did early in the month so I could breath later in the month and feel like I had it handled. And it goes to prove that learning is an ongoing experience……I know how to do it, I just wasn’t practicing what I know and teach. Crazy? Maybe. I think it’s how we humans are wired. Commitment to excellence sometimes means disciplining yourself to do what you know how to do.

Give it some thought and then see if you apply this simple concept to your business if it doesn’t bring you a sense of mental calm and make you more money.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do You Realize The Power Of One? by Brian Rooney

Do You Realize The Power Of One?

When a new member becomes an Affiliate, they are at least initially intrigued by the amount of money available via our Affiliate plan.

It doesn't take long to see that with just a bit of effort, a very sizable income is possible to those that are ready to really dig in and get to work.

The challenge is that many people seem to give in to the 30 day curse.

This is what happens when someone buys into the idea of making a huge income within 30 days or the opportunity just "isn't working". These folks typically end up just bouncing from one "opportunity" to the next looking for that magic lottery ticket instead of actually focusing on building a solid long-term successful business.

Amazingly... they spend years getting themselves into a financial predicament and then expect to simply enroll, hang out for 30 days, and watch their financial picture change overnight.

If you fit that particular profile, you are going to be sorely disappointed but I'd rather just let you know right up front. The Affiliate Plan rewards diligence and solid business approach. This is not a lottery system or a "sign up and get rich" system. By introducing other small business and home-based business operators to our AutoResponder system, you can build a very lucrative income for yourself.

Now, we do have people that join us and seem to really take off in a big way. Most of the time, these are people that already had a list of their own from previous marketing ventures and they are able to "kick start" their business by tapping in to those lists. This is great and we love to see that sort of success.

But the reality is that even the most basic beginner can make
a tremendous income with this system if they do a few things consistently:

    1) Realize from the very beginning that this is an actual business and is going to require some time and effort on your part.

    2) Take at least a part-time approach instead of a spare time approach. If you focus and dedicate 15 to 30 minutes a day, you can at least begin learning this system and start building your income. But you have to truly set that time aside. Wake up 30 minutes earlier.... stay up 30 minutes later... skip a sitcom episode on TV. The bottom line is that if you truly want to succeed, you will. But you have to decide and commit to your own success.

    3) Set goals based on reality... not pipe dreams and hype. Would we all like to some how magically join that "right" opportunity and watch our bank accounts spill over the top with new deposits? Sure. I'd take that money and have a great time with it.

But here is the reality: Those "overnight success stories" we all are so fond of reading about usually take years to develop. What we just about never hear about is the story where today's millionaire was close to bankruptcy just a couple of years ago. We don't read about the number of nights they just didn't go to sleep but worked through the night on various ideas, opportunities, business plans, etc....

Instead, once someone does realize the fruit of their efforts and achieves some level of success, the media jump all over it and make it sound like this guy was just sitting around one day and POOF! A great idea knocked him out of his chair and he was rich the next day.

Believe me. It didn't happen that way.

You joined us because you saw the possibilities for yourself. You looked at the system and said, "You know... this really makes sense. I bet I can do this."

And at that moment you caught the vision. So let's take a moment or two to find out how you can measure our progress and achieve your goals.

I have put together some numbers based on something that is very simple and very powerful. I call it:

The Power Of One:

This concept is based on you getting just one new referral each month and teaching that referral to do the same thing.

Understand that this will not cause you to become wealthy overnight. In fact, for the first few months, it may seem like not much is happening at all. But if you stick to the plan, the results can absolutely amaze you.

Here's how the numbers play out over 12 months:

In your first month, you are learning the system. You are reading the training articles and figuring out how things work. By following the training and promoting your site, you are able to refer 1 new Affiliate.

You work with them, showing them how and where to find the training articles, how to promote, etc... and they refer 1 new Affiliate.

You now have 2 Affiliates in your organization and you have earned a Fast Track Bonus. Depending on what you spent for advertising, leads, etc... you probably didn't even break even.

This is where the whiners begin to say things like, "I am spending more money than I'm making. This doesn't work."

And they quit.

But not you. You know that success is a matter of focusing on and working toward your goal of financial independence. You know that if you could make just a few hundred extra dollars per month, your family's situation would change in a big way. So you continue pressing toward your goals.

In Month 2, you continue working with and supporting your 2 other Affiliates. You are showing them how to refer others and it is working. They each get a new Affiliate. You refer a new Affiliate yourself.

You now have a total of 5 Affiliates and you have earned another Fast Track along with a small Regular Commission check.

In Month 3, you continue this same process. You show each of your Affiliates how to personally refer 1 new Affiliate and you refer another one yourself.

That's another Fast Track Bonus and your Regular Commissions are going up. You're not exactly rolling in the big bucks yet but you are seeing progress.

In the meantime, Affiliates that have given up are sending you ads about how they have found the latest and greatest thing and you really should join them. This is probably their fourth or fifth "great deal" in the past 3 months.

You shake your head, invite them to come back and work with your team and then focus on building your business.

In Month 4, you continue this process. By now, you are earning enough in Regular Commissions that you are more than covering the monthly subscription fee for your account.

You continue to receive Fast Track Bonuses because you are referring at least one new Affiliate. Your Regular Commissions are going up because your organization is doing the same thing. Your team is working together and things are starting to pick up.

In Month 5, this keeps going and because you are personally referring new Affiliates, you are now qualified for the 25% Leadership Bonus. You may even be seeing some profits now.

In Month 6, you are starting to see things build up some solid momentum. Your Regular commissions took a nice jump and your Leadership Bonus is building up quite nicely.

By Month 7, you are really glad you stuck with the system. Your team is working together very well. Your organization and your checks continue to grow. This is starting to feel easy. (You and your team are building momentum).

By Month 8, you're earning enough to cover a very nice car payment, maybe pay off some credit card bills, or have a little getaway weekend with your spouse or friends.

By Month 9, you are really getting excited. You are starting to see several hundred dollars per month and you know that things are going to keep building because you are more focused than ever. You are probably referring more than one Affiliate per month now and you've got some folks on your team that are really starting to take off.

By month 10, you crossed over into that area where you are making over $1,000 per month in Regular Commissions and you are now in the 50% Leadership Bonus range! Congratulations!

You've stuck with your plan this far and it is really starting to pay off.

By Month 11, you are starting to think about firing your boss! (Or at least paying off some of those debts). Your income is high enough now that most people would be able to consider quitting their regular jobs and doing this full-time.

By Month 12, you're making the kind of income that most people just dream about and you're doing it from home on your computer. By now, friends and family are starting to ask, "What are you doing now?" and things are so much easier than when you started.

Here is how the numbers really stack up with my "Power Of One" approach:

Month 1: 2 Affiliates
Month 2: 5 Affiliates
Month 3: 11 Affiliates
Month 4: 23 Affiliates
Month 5: 47 Affiliates
Month 6: 95 Affiliates
Month 7: 191 Affiliates
Month 8: 383 Affiliates
Month 9: 767 Affiliates
Month 10: 1,535 Affiliates
Month 11: 3,071 Affiliates
Month 12: 6,142 Affiliates

And because you are qualifying for the 50% Leadership Bonus each month, your income is truly unlimited and you are doing very very well. You are getting Fast Track Bonuses, Regular Monthly Commissions, and 50% Leadership Bonuses. Life is good!

Now for the hard cold facts:

Most people in life give up before they ever get to see these kinds of results. If you were to set out on a journey from New York City to Los Angeles, you would cover well over 2,000 miles... closer to 3,000 miles before you even saw Los Angeles looming in the distance.

Imagine going 2,500 miles and then quitting. You didn't reach LA at all. You might even go back to New York and tell people, "Los Angeles doesn't exist. That whole thing is just a scam to get you to buy more gas and drive a lot.". Of course, there are millions of people living in Los Angeles. They know it exists. You just didn't finish the journey. To reach the desination, you MUST COMPLETE THE JOURNEY!

Your results will vary from this chart. This chart assumes a perfect mathematical world. As we all know and experience, the world is not a perfect place and things do change.

I know Affiliates that are WAY ahead of schedule on this plan and I know Affiliates that are a little behind schedule.

If your business is not growing at this rate, that's OK. You can catch up, believe me. If your income level matches Month 3, Month 4, or Month 1 (regardless of when you actually started) then commit today to begin working from that point forward.

Say to yourself, "OK... I'm at Month X... I am going to start from here and focus all the way through Month 12 and beyond."

Go back and review the Training Articles and your Affiliate Plan. Let it sink in just how simple this plan really is. We have been in business since the year 2000 which is amazing in the world of Internet marketing.

Thanks to some tremendous leaders, we are growing like never before. People are starting to catch on to the power of picking and working with a solid company with a proven track record instead of bouncing from one hyped up offer to another.

When you see how powerful this system is; is commit to doing two things:

1) WORKING the plan consistently for at least a year.

2) Teaching your organization how to do the same.

Some will fall away. This is a fact of life. Some will stay right on course. Others will exceed your expectations and this plan.

The point is to focus and stick with it to see the results you want.

Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Your upline is just a click away in your Affiliate Report.

Your fellow Affiliates are just a click away in the Member Discussion Forum.

Your Tech Support is just a click away in the Online Support Forum.

I want to see you succeed and I am looking forward to great things for you!
Brian Rooney
Email Marketing Blog
Find Us On Twitter
Facebook Fan Page

I hope this article was helpful to all you network marketers.  Check out this link to see how you too can get in on this great money making opportunity  with awesome training tools.  Autoresponder systems are the answer to generating great traffic to your web site.

Blessings to your success!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Dream Team

Multilevel marketing, or MLM, relies very heavily on the team of people you are working with. MLM by its very nature is dependent on quality relationships between a group, and as a manager of others it falls to you to build and maintain a powerful and effective group of retailers in order to maximize everyone's profits.

Good Team Players 

A good team player is many things including responsible, open to suggestion and flexible. Of course you don't want a team consisting of those easily led, so a team player must also be able to pull his own weight and help motivate those around him.
When looking to recruit teammates, look first as personality. Is the person offensive to you or would he be offensive to others? Do you enjoy being around the individual? Working with a group has just as much to do with overall personality as it does with work ethic and abilities. 
If you find yourself comfortable around a potential team member, take a look at his work background and ethics. MLM is the kind of business that works best for self-starters and those with dedication and initiative. Traditionally good employees might not make the best MLM team members as they might not have the go-to to get the job done without prodding. You don't want to be constantly offering suggestions and pulling someone along who prefers to be given a menial task rather than finding his own way.
Your MLM team should consist of mature, dedicated individuals who aren't afraid to work a little harder than everyone else in exchange for the kind of financial rewards that work will bring.

Motivating Your Team

Once the team is assembled, it will be your task as the manager or leader to keep everyone focused and moving forward. MLM relies heavily on bringing in new accounts and representatives, just as any sales format does, so you must keep your team fired up and working hard.
To motivate your team, you should focus on the positive goal rather than potential failure. Everyone responds better to reward than punishment. Avoid statements such as, "If we don't make our quote this month, we'll lose money." Instead bring excitement to the group but relay the same message, "We're getting close to our goal. As soon as we reach it, we'll be looking at a huge profit!" Don't lie, but always focus on the positive.
A strong leader always leads by example. MLM businesses often develop into passive revenue streams, but a good leader doesn't allow his own efforts to diminish simply because his income has increased. While goals are terrific and should be set together as a team, they do not represent an ending. New goals should constantly be set, and avoid making a goal "maintaining." It is far harder to get excited about maintaining a level than it is to fire up the team to make it to the next level.
The nature of a MLM business means that many are working to sell similar or the same products. As the leader, you should make every effort to unite your team and share strategies and incentives rather than allowing the team to compete with each other. If possible, gather together for casual activities to develop personal relationships. Discuss things other than work so that the team feels united.
You are the leader and you set the standard for your team. Be excited about the business. Share your ideas and enthusiasm with others and always look forward. Listen to what the others have to say and be fair when making decisions, but always remain the motivating force and guiding light. They look to you and your efforts will not be in vain.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Internet Marketing Psychology

The true world of business may be relentless. Success is rewarded. Errors are penalized. The benefit is that it keeps you realistic. You can’t settle for helplessness, laziness, and bad ideas or your business will bomb. There’s a huge chasm between a thought that sounds good and an idea that really gets carried out and succeeds under real life conditions. Anybody can muster up good ideas, but most individuals can’t successfully follow through with them.
Some individuals can’t handle the pressure of running their own business. They worry about the hazard of failure. They’re viewing it from the improper angle though. That risk is exactly the point. Risk is what helps you grow. It makes you stronger. An entrepreneur who dreads risk is like a muscleman who’s afraid of barbells.

You need to insure that you keep customers happy. People ask for refunds when they see junk. Buyers are smart that's why creating junk or sub-par quality is suicidal. Here we'll look at a number of ways to get your business going and make it successful. By following the advice, your business will get off to a great start and stay that way. 

You also need to remember that even good products don't sell themselves. Focus on marketing to deliver value to people – sell, sell, sell the quality and communicate it.

Another thing to remember is don't sell first; make a friend through your list by marketing a newsletter where people wait for your emails.

Being heard amid the roar of your competitor’s voices is a daunting task in today’s crowded market. We find this to be shockingly true each time we read a magazine, watch the television, or surf the web. As a result, businesses are now looking for fresh and more effective ways of increasing brand awareness and more significantly, create brand loyalty. Among the most crucial tasks involved in ensuring a brand’s success, is to develop an effective branding strategy.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Working From Home

Working From Home!

We are a society that wants instant gratification. Patience has become a word that people seem to have little use of these days. You see it all around you from traffic wrecks on perfectly beautiful days with no obstacles around to trying to find a pair of shoes that you thought you had put in a certain place. It seems like we are never getting anywhere; taking one step forward and two steps back words. Okay, so what do we do to remedy this? Patience! Patience! Patience!

You want to make a killing on the internet with the hottest and latest online business. It s going to make you a millionaire. Right? Well, it very well could do that, BUT it s going to take some work and Patience.

Getting rich quick doesn't happen overnight. You need to work it, but there are ways to do it without a lot of additional cost.


We are a society that wants instant gratification.  Patience has become a word that people seem to have little use of these days.  You see it all around you from traffic wrecks on perfectly beautiful days with no obstacles around to trying to find a pair of shoes that you thought you had put in a certain place.  It seems like we are never getting anywhere; taking one step forward and two steps back words.  Okay, so what do we do to remedy this? Patience! Patience! Patience!

You want to make a killing on the internet with the hottest and latest online business.  It’s going to make you a millionaire. Right?  Well, it very well could do that, BUT it’s going to take some work and  Patience. 

PART 2 – The Learning Curve

In my first Learning Curve article, I gave you the definition of a learning curve:
According to Wikipedia, "a learning curve is a graphical representation of the changing rate of learning (in the average person) for a given activity or tool. Typically, the increase in retention of information is sharpest after the initial attempts, and then gradually evens out, meaning that less and less new information is retained after each repetition."

Building an internet business from home will take time and patience.  Part 1 gave you the basics as to the usual progression in any type of business or work development. 

First, sit down and thoroughly study the materials and software that you are utilizing in your new venture.  Don’t just skim it, but read all of the do’s and don’ts.  Understand them and if you have questions, contact support.  If the program does not have a good and quick response team, then maybe you had better think twice before continuing with the business.

Next, begin to apply the instructions via sample projects or outlines.  Get a feel for how the program will develop as you apply the necessary steps.  Make sure each step works properly before continuing on to the next one.  Keep repeating each step until you have mastered it and understand how it links with the previous step so that you can move on in the progression of the steps.  Having a thorough understanding in each developmental step is key to building a successful online work-at-home internet business.

Most important – don’t get ahead of yourself.  If you try to run before you can walk, you will definitely fall.

Check out these links for online work-at-home and affiliate marketing:  WEB Colleagues

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Learning Curve For Internet Marketing

The Learning Curve

According to Wikipedia, “a learning curve is a graphical representation of the changing rate of learning (in the average person) for a given activity or tool. Typically, the increase in retention of information is sharpest after the initial attempts, and then gradually evens out, meaning that less and less new information is retained after each repetition.”

Sounds pretty technical doesn’t it?  Let me put it in simpler terms; i.e. using it as a tool for developing an online work-at-home business.

Web Colleagues Work At Home Typing Program has the best tools available to develop a level of confidence that will ensure your success as a viable online entrepreneur.  This program not only offers you different programs to view and work with, but it walks you through each and every step from setting up your accounts to showing you how each one works.  AND the best part is: YOU NEVER HAVE TO PAY ANOTHER PENNY unless you want to.

As promised when you view the introductory page, the only fee incurred is the join-up fee.  That’s right!  Any other money that you spend on any of the web sites that you are taken to is strictly up to you, but is not necessary to access the information you need in order to proceed with your online business.

As I mentioned at the beginning, every job or business has a learning curve to navigate before success can be achieved.  It takes time.  You must first understand the program.  In order to understand it, you need to have instructions on how to do each step.  Steps need to be learned in order; e.g. you can’t learn how to do something by going to the back page of the instructions first.

So don’t let those ads fool you into thinking that you can make money the first day just by making 3 or 4 or maybe a few more clicks.  Baby, it just isn’t reality!!

The reality is you have to work it, be motivated and consistent in order to succeed.  That’s what Web Colleagues does for you.

Our training program provided to all of our colleagues will give you everything you need with step-by-step tutorials. We provide all of the companies (Over 20,000 currently) to type your articles for. You will find almost every type of Internet company you can think of (No Adult Sites). We have fortune 500 companies such as WalMart, Apple, American Express, eBay, Netflix, Target to name just a few. 

We also have much smaller companies that deal with anything from home and garden to self help programs and everything in between. 

We certify that all of the companies you work with will make their payments for your earnings, and on time. So you do not need to worry about collecting your earnings for the work you do; we have done all that for you.

Join today for just $47.00.    Click Here Now