This blog site is for information purposes. It will help you decide what and how you want to focus your thoughts on pertaining to entrepreneurship and other aspects of your life. Some will be uplifting, others will give you direction. Hope you enjoy it.
I am a big dreamer. All of my life, I've believed that I could do
whatever I chose to do. But it seemed like the circumstances
surrounding my life deterred my dreams from becoming reality.
high school my dream was to become a lawyer. I knew it would take hard
work and dedication for me to succeed. I excelled in my grades and
planned for my college. But at 17, I met and fell in love with the man I
am married to today (46 years at this writing). He swept me off my
feet and my dreams flew out the window. I like to blame it on my
dysfunctional family upbringing because I wanted out from that way of
life so bad.
As I look back on it, I used that excuse
to not follow through, so I lost my belief and dream. I had children
right away and focused on raising them and helping my husband with the
management of our business. You see, I also excelled in business
management during my high school years with a minor in accounting
So who do I have to blame - ME!!
the years I have succeeded but have never been able to go over the
top. My dreams are still there. My goals are still there. But the
success of reaching the top has eluded me. So I ask myself, "What am I
doing wrong that keeps me from achieving my dreams?" I've tried for
years and years to figure it out. I've done what "They've" told me to
do; read positive books and listen to motivational videos and tapes. Be
around positive people and be positive myself. Check my attitude.
Help others to achieve their goals. Duplicate the system, etc., etc.,
Yet, it still eludes me.
So what am I doing wrong!
first thing you need to tell yourself is to keep going, keep trying and
keep believing. I found out that many a great achiever has gone
through failure after failure before reaching the success ladder. Many
fail trying one thing after another, but eventually hit on the right
formula. This is what will happen as long as you DON"T QUIT! Never
give up!
To hear my story listen to this video I posted on YouTube: Click here
though I have certain disabilities that would hold some people back, I
choose not to allow it to hold me back. I still dream BIG! And I will
If you are interested in finding out more about how I am achieving my dreams right now, just go to my website at: Money Forever Home
training, support and family atmosphere is next to none. We have all
kinds of directives that help us to reach our dreams. This is "THE
MAGIC OF BELIEVING". Unless we help others to achieve their dreams,
then we cannot reach our dreams.
Do You Have What It Takes To Become A Millionaire?
Quantum Prosperity:
A quantum jump is a sudden and spectacular advance. It is a major breakthrough. Many people are looking for a giant leap into the realm of prosperity. They sometimes are not satisfied with just small bits and pieces of prosperity coming their way.
There is nothing wrong with having financial abundance. There is nothing wrong with money itself. It is a means to living in this society for all the goods and services that are needed or wanted.
Quantum prosperity requires a big change in your thought processes, a leap in your conscience that produces a totally different result.
People who get into trouble financially usually worry, become fearful and get depressed. This seems to be a normal reaction to a common occurrence within our society today. It is this mental depression that holds them in bondage. A famous quote says, "You are what you think!" If you are worried, depressed, fearful in your mind, then you show it and live it in you life. People see it and the results are just as you think them to be.
If you want to have a Millionaire Mindset, then you must think like a millionaire. So how do you do that?
The first step is to make God the center of everything you say, think,
feel, and do. This action will not only give your mind an upward and
forward look but it will raise your mental level. As you do this, invite
all that God is to move into your whole being and out into your life
and affairs. God, in His infinite Wisdom, knows how to prosper you and
it is His pleasure to do so. – Adapted from: You, Too, Can Be Prosperous – Robert A. Russell
We need to speak and think prosperity affirmations daily. Write them down and say them out load at least 3 times per day. Hang them where you can see them daily such as on your refrigerator or your office wall. This process helps our mind to develop into a millionaire mindset. The next thing you know is you are speaking these affirmations to people around you. Your vibrant energy is conducive to drawing others who think or do the same thing as you.
Listen and mediate on positive energy cd's or tapes. YouTube is an excellent place to get meditational energy by listening to them.
Here is what happened to me just this past week. I met with a friend who needed my help in how to publish a book. I gave him the information he needed. He in turn gave me $100 as a love gift just for this information. The next Sunday as I was leaving church, a lady came to me and drew me aside. She said that the Lord had spoken to her to bless me and she wrote a check out for $50. These were 2 unexpected gifts of money and they were welcomed and needed. It may not seem like much, but when you apply the principles of prosperity and the law of attraction through meditation and positive energy, you will see results.
Today as I was going to a tax office for some advice, a person whom I had parked next to saw my business sign on the side of my car. She asked what it was all about. I told her and invited her to a local home meeting where she could meet the RVP who would be conducting the business meeting tonight. I asked her if she would like to attend and she agreed quickly. Now, I will be positively thinking that she will become one of my business partners. You see, I had been meditating on bringing someone to the meeting for tonight and viola - there she was. It wasn't just coincidence - it was my God-like conscience that drew her to me.
Here are some prosperity affirmations that you can use every day:
I Attract Mega Wealth To Myself. Financial Independence. I Am Wealthy I See My Self Abundantly Prosperous. I Have The Midas Touch. Millionaire Mindset. I Will To Myself A Continuous Flow Of Money. My Supply Is Over Flowing. Avalanche Of Prosperity Flowing To Me In Right And Perfect Ways. Gold Dust Is All Around Me. Wealth Consciousness. Easily Effortlessly And Naturally. Abundance Is Mine By Divine Right. Attracting Wealth Is Easy For Me. I Am A Open Channel For Great Wealth.
Here are some SEED Money Testimonies:
Seed Money brings more than tenfold! - I have been
taken to breakfast six times this week, was given a theatre ticket, and I
received a check for $791.00. This was in addition to a $200.00 check I
had received earlier in the month. My earnings for the past month have
been super! These are all significant and yet they are far more than ten
times the money I planted as seed. When I give tips, or give money for
whatever purpose, person or need and stake my claim for tenfold return,
it comes to me multiplied! Money has become my friend. Here is my
grateful tithe! – L. P., California
Bills paid because of Seed Money Practice! - Thank
you for the great article on Seed Money! I have started to have an
overflowing abundance of good things in my life. I am receiving my
tenfold return. I’ve been planting money daily and it is amazing how
more money has been coming to me. I was always behind in my bills but
now I am caught up and even paying some bills ahead of time! Thanks
again. Seed Money opened my eyes! – R. G., California